Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is these united states history facts true or false?

The southern colonies had a cash crop economy featuring large plantations dependent on slave labor. True or false

Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the governor of Massachusetts in the 1670s.

The years from 1901-2000 are called the twentieth century. True or false

600 B.C. occured after 500 B.C. True or false

600 A.D. occured after 500 A.D. true or false

The half of the globe that includes Europe, asia, africa and australia is called the western hemisphere. true or false

Before Columbus sailed, Europeans referred to North and South America as the New World. True or falseIs these united states history facts true or false?
1. True

2. True-ish - Bacon's rebellion of 1676 was against the Governor of Virginia though.

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False - Europe is in the northern hemeisphere

7. False - the New World was the name given to the America's after Columbus discovered them. Before that they weren't known to exist.
The one about the Southern colonies are true,

I think Bacon led a rebellion, not positive though

True, 1901-2000 were the 20th century.

False, B.C. is like negative, the higher the number, the lower the value

True, A.D. is positive.

False, Think of Asia. It's called the "far east" Easy way to remember that.

False Before Columbus sailed Europeans didn't even know America Existed. It came to be known as America when some one named Americus found out that the islands that Columbus had landed on weren't the Indies. Every one figured that he was naming it after himself, and the name stuck.

Hope this helps.Is these united states history facts true or false?
I think its in your best interest to do your own homework, you obviously need it if you think "is these" is a good way to start any sentence.
1. True

2. True

3. False .. It's 1900

4. False

6. True

7. False

8. False.

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