Friday, March 9, 2012

US history questions?

1. Sometime in late November, your friend exclaims, "I'm sick of hearing about those Pilgrims all the time. Why should I care about them? Pilgrims, schmilgrims!" (Apparently you have a high-strung friend.) Which of these would be an accurate response?

a. "Wait just a minute, there. Those Pilgrims established the first permanent settlement in the English colonies in North America!"

b. "Whoa, Nelly! Tuxedos were invented because of those black and white outfits the Pilgrims wore. Think about that when prom comes."

c. "Hold your horses. That Mayflower Compact they made was the first constitution ever written in North America, and it was similar to the later United States Constitution in many ways."

d. "Are you kidding me? Half of them died the first winter and the rest still stayed. How often do you find idealism like that?"

18. Which colony was most like Rhode Island in the low opinion its neighbors had of it?

a. Virginia

b. New York

c. North Carolina

d. Maryland

20. Which of these colonies was not set up as a haven, or safe place, for some group or another?

a. Maryland

b. Pennsylvania

c. Georgia

d. New York

22. What was Virginia society like in the late 1600s?

a. Harmonious. The planters and Indians got along very well.

b. Fairly good. The Indians and backwoods farmers got along well, but neither liked the big plantation owners near the coast.

c. Not bad. All the settlers got along well with each other, but both had troubles with Indian raids.

d. Fragmented. The backwoods planters didn't get along with the plantation owners near the coast, and there were Indian problems on the frontier.

23. King Philip's War was

a. the last major Indian attempt to clear the settlers out

b. one of the first examples of French and Indians fighting against British

c. followed by a time of great mercy towards the Indians by the Pilgrims and Puritans

d. the bloodiest war ever fought in world historyUS history questions?
23. a

tell your teacher he/she is a tenured asshole.

because they're are better answers for some of those questions but your selfish narcissitic teacher

has to make it about him he's an egomaniac
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  • Homework help!!! plz!!!!!!!?

    Help plz!!!!

    32.) Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the 1876 presidential election after he

    won the popular vote

    won the electoral vote by a landslide

    made a compromise with the Democrats

    won an election in the House of Representatives

    33.) A major failure of Reconstruction was that

    the South's cotton prodiction never recovered

    war debts remained unpaid

    racist attitudes continued in the North and South

    no African Americans were elected to Congress

    34.) The Civil War left the South

    with slavery still in place

    in full control of its government

    in ruins

    largely unchanged from before the war

    35.) In his presidential Reconstruction plan, Andrew Johnson

    matched Lincoln's plan exactly

    was more generous than Lincoln

    allowed some slavery to continue

    put the South under strict military control

    36.) The most visible new black organization in the South were

    military clubs



    political parties

    37.) The 14th Amendment was part of a series of laws that

    changed the way a President could hire government officials

    ensured the civil rights of African Americans

    restored the balance of power between the President and Congress

    shifted the balance of power in favor of the Supreme Court

    38.) The Reconstruction Act of 1867

    closed the South to Democrats

    closed the South to scalawags

    put the South under military rule

    gave voting rights to all Southerners

    39.) When Johnson violated the Tenure of OFfice Act, he was

    forced to resign

    dropped from the Republican Party

    convicted by the Senate

    impeached by the House

    40.) In 1870, thanks to the 15th Amendment, southern black men

    voted for the first time

    took charge of the Senate

    received free government land

    produced their own Reconstruction plan

    41.) Reconstruction succeeded in rebuilding many of the South's





    42.) Reconstruction succeeded in its goals of restoring the Union and helping to

    regulate the railroads

    destroy the Freedman's Bureau

    eliminate the Ku Klux Klan

    repair the war-torn SouthHomework help!!! plz!!!!!!!?
    I am working on this test to. I wish i could help but can't maybe once i have it complete.

    If you could help, that's be awesome. (: A few ?'s?

    1) As a capitalist ethic gradually replaced the Puritan ethic in colonies, more people began to want to:

    a) stop attending church

    b) make money

    c) live on plantations

    d) go to school

    2) According to the narrator in The Scarlet Letter, the rose grows outside the prison door:

    a) to add beauty to a dark place

    b) as a symbol of innocence

    c) to show that nature can have pity and be kind

    d) to supply a sweet fragrance for the imprisoned

    3) Thinkers of the European Enlightenment would agree with all of the following statements EXCEPT people:

    a) have certain natural rights that cannot be turned over to the king

    b) can use reason to understand society and politics

    c) who underwent a religious awakening make the best leaders

    d) should rebel against governments that become too oppressive

    4) One of the primary issues that united colonists from all over North America against King George of England was:

    a) literacy

    b) religious beliefs

    c) taxes

    d) slavery

    5) The Puritans believed ______ was an effective form of punishment.

    a) imprisonment

    b) public humiliation

    c) beatings

    d) hard labor

    6) The line "And may the muse inspire each future song" can be defined as:

    a) a metaphor

    b) a heroic couplet

    c) an allusion

    d) parallelism

    7) In The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth wants _____ from Hester.

    a) a divorce

    b) a public apology

    c) the name of the father of the baby

    d) cessation of all contact

    Any help would be awesome... I know "do your own work"... but I really need the help right now %26amp; have already done 22 of the quizzes and 15 papers by myself.. so your help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks so much!If you could help, that's be awesome. (: A few ?'s?
    7) c, im pretty sure

    4 history questions..?

    1: Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

    an end to racist government policies

    the transformation into an industralized, urban region

    an end to tensions between the North and South

    all of the above

    I have no idea which one this is.

    2: Reconstruction succeeded in rebuilding many of the South's





    I think its railroads.

    3. Progressivism was halted by....

    the efforts of the NAACP

    World War I

    the repeal of the prohibition amendment

    the victory of the Bull Moose Party

    I think its WW1

    4. Which belief was held by most Progressives?

    The government should be more accountable to its citizens.

    Housing and healthcare should remain private.

    The government should protect agricultural interests.

    The government should intervene in unfair business practices.

    I think its A4 history questions..?
    1: Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

    all of the above

    2: Reconstruction succeeded in rebuilding many of the South's


    3:Progressivism was halted by....

    World War 1

    4: Which belief was held by most Progressives?

    Yes, what you said (which was A) is correct:

    The government should be more accountable to its citizens.
    1: Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

    all of the above

    2: Reconstruction succeeded in rebuilding many of the South's


    3. Progressivism was halted by....

    World War I

    4. Which belief was held by most Progressives?

    The government should be more accountable to its citizens.4 history questions..?
    1. all of the above

    2. plantations

    3. i think WWI too, not sure tho

    4. A sounds good to me too, not sure tho

    (Basic United States History) please help me on 4 questions?

    What was the Wilmot Proviso?

    A. A bill that barred slavery in all territory acquired from Mexico

    B. A bill that barred slavery in all territory acquired from Spain

    C. A bill that barred slavery in all territory north of Missouri

    D. A bill that barred slavery in all northern states

    Between 1840 to 1860, where did most immigrants settle?

    A. southern backcountry

    B. western ranches

    C. southern plantations

    D. northern cities

    In 1860, what sparked serious talk of Southern seccession?

    A. California's admission as a state

    B. Lincoln's election as president

    C. Douglas' election to the Senate

    D. The takeover of Fort Sumter

    Which state was the first to secede from the United States?

    A. Georgia

    B. Louisiana

    C. South Carolina

    D. Virginia

    thank you =](Basic United States History) please help me on 4 questions?



    c b a d(Basic United States History) please help me on 4 questions?
    I'm sure these answers are in your textbook and/or class notes. You better check there to make sure you get the RIGHT answers!

    HOMEWORK HELP. See if you can answer any of these pls.?

    This is all from the textbook; A More Perfect Union

    1) Which of the following did not exist in North America before the Europeans arrived? Gold, corn, horses, or farms?

    2) Which of the following did exist in America before the first Europeans arrived? Indigo, smallpox, christianity, or indian rivalries?

    3) Which of the following kinds of settlements were established in the New World primarily by the Spanish? Forts, missions, plantations, or trading posts?

    4) Which of the following was England's first permanent settlement in the New World? Plymouth, Jamestown, New Netherland, or Roanoke Island?

    5) Which of the following was a middle colony? Virginia, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, or Massachusetts?

    6) Which of the following was true of most New England farmers during colonial times? They grew crops to sell, they settled in small villages, they bought slaves to work the land, they came from a variety of countries?

    More to come...HOMEWORK HELP. See if you can answer any of these pls.?
    1.) horses

    2.) Indian rivalries

    3.) plantations

    4.) plymouth

    5.) virginia

    6.) they bought slaves to work the land
    1- horses

    2- indian rivalries




    6-???HOMEWORK HELP. See if you can answer any of these pls.?
    come on, dont cheat!!

    those are really easy =)
  • map of idaho
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  • 13th colonies question!! plz ANSWER!?

    13 original colonies questions?

    A. New Hampshire F. New York K. North Carolina

    B. Massachusttes G.. New Jersey L. South Carolina

    C. Rhode Island H. Delaware M. Georgia

    D. Conneticut I. Maryland

    E.Pennsylvania J. Virginia

    Please Put the letter onto all that applies.

    1. the "city on the hell" was located in this colony

    2. as of 1730, African slaves outnumbered white settlers

    3. the birthplace of representative government and slavery in the colonies

    4. this colony expanded voting rights to include non-church members, and limited the power of government in its Fundamental orders

    5. this colony adopted the Toleration Act of 1649 making it a crime to restrict the religious rights of Christians

    6. these colonies were governed by elected assemblies

    7. attempted to outlaw slavery, plantations, and importation of rum, but became one of the two largest slaveholding colonies by 1775

    8. first colony to separate church and state and practice religious tolerence

    Please put what you for sure know13th colonies question!! plz ANSWER!?
    don't ask that sort of thing... because people won't answer.

    my guess for the 1 is massachusetts and i guess it's city on the hill..

    if you don't know just google each one of them... it's a simple as that. ...13th colonies question!! plz ANSWER!?

    Homework Help!! Pleeze!?

    1. The cryptic message "CRAOTOAN" is related to

    A: Spain's war with the Aztecs.

    B: the French policy of establishing fur-trading industries.

    C: a failed attempt to settle in Roanoke

    D: the death of Pocahontas.

    E: Spain's creation of encomiendas.

    2. The eastern region of the Virginia colony was finally saved from Native American attack after

    A: Governor Dale signed a peace treaty with the Powhatans in 1608.

    B: John Smith's life was saved by Pocahontas.

    C: John Rolfe married Pocahontas in 1614.

    D: the English put down the Native American attacks of 1622.

    E: the colonists suppressed the uprising of 1644.

    3. Between 1500 and 1600, the reasons that the Spanish traveled to the Americans included all of the following except

    A: getting rich by finding gold and silver.

    B: replacing Portugal as the leading seafaring nation.

    C: spreading the Christian religion.

    D: destroying large English colonines in South America.

    E: creating a profitable agricultural economy.

    4. Before the arrival of the Europeans, the political system of southern and western Africa was composed of

    A: a single African-led empire.

    B: a number of small- and medium-sized regional kingdoms.

    C: a state of barbaric anarchy.

    D: a series of national republics.

    E: a collection of nomadic tribes.

    5. The colony of Georgia was founded as a

    A: moneymaking venture.

    B: religious refuge for Catholics.

    C: military buffer against the Spanish.

    D: site for large plantations.

    E: haven for middle-class artisans.

    6. When Christopher Columbus made his famous voyages to the New World, he

    A: obtained his financing from the Portuguese queen.

    B: refused to search for gold.

    C: explored much of the North American coastline.

    D: acted out of strictly religious motives.

    E: believed that he had reached the Far East.

    7. The first enduring European settlement in New England was established by

    A: the Plymouth Company.

    B: Anglican land speculators.

    C: Sir William Berkeley of the London Company.

    D: a congregation of Puritan Separatists.

    E: Captain John Smith.Homework Help!! Pleeze!?
    1. C i think

    2. C

    3. A

    4. E not very sure about that one

    5. B i'm pretty sure about this one

    6. E

    7. i know its the London company but i don't think its by Sir William but try either C or E
    lol this was long time ago and i actually got best answer.

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    Homework Help!! Pleeze!?
    Here are some I know:



    Some im iffy about:


    When was slavery abolished in the Northeast?

    I know that the South had more slaves because they were an agricultural economy and had large plantations which required lots of free labor that was provided by kidnapped Africans and their descendents.

    I also know that the Northerners had slavery as well, I am just trying to find out when they got rid of it, or if it happened at the same time as the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. All I can find on Wikipedia is the Northwest Ordinance, but that only talks about the Ohio River Territory and nothing about New England, New York and Pennsylvania.

    Due to the fact that the Northern States didn't have an agricultural economy, I know most of their slaves were house servants, still slaves nonetheless. So when did the North get rid of slaves? Was it before the Civil War, or did the Northern slaves get freed at the same time as the Southern slaves?When was slavery abolished in the Northeast?
    Officially, by 1804 depending on state, but realistically as late as 1865 in the case of New Jersey...
    What's your definition of North? I include New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New England as the Northeast. New Jersey was the last state out of those to abolish slavery, due to its farms. It was gradual, as in 1804, all blacks were born free, but had to be apprentices. I don't blame the South for racism as slavery had economic yet horrific advantages, but the way blacks were treated was horrible during Jim Crow.When was slavery abolished in the Northeast?
    "free labor that was provided by kidnapped Africans and their descendants." they were not kidnapped, money was paid to the Africans who captured them and put them for sale, besides, no matter what you may say, these descendants of former slaves are better off now than the africans that never left their continents, (check facts before you say anything else)
    Connecticut was the last New England state to abolish slavery in 1848.
    Slavery was not very important to the north. There is not a specific date, but rather gradual emancipation.

    What do you this of my essay (short!)?

    The topic was: Did the period of reconstruction leave a positive or negative legacy for African Americans? It needs to be 5 paragraphs but I can't find anything else to put! So let me know what you think!

    The reconstruction period granted African Americans the freedom, but it certainly did not grant them the privileges that come from being a free man living in the United States. They were denied many jobs because of poor skills. Many were traumatized by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Literacy tests were put in place by former Confederates who didn't want blacks to get the vote despite the Fifteenth Amendment. The South also imposed Black Codes, which furthered the low status of blacks. Did the period of Reconstruction leave a positive or negative legacy for African Americans? In my opinion, the Reconstruction period had more of a negative effect than a positive but some aspects of the Reconstruction were a success.

    Reconstruction was successful, yet only, in a few ways. By passing the Thirteenth Amendment, Congress was finally able to end slavery. Some were anxious and couldn’t bring themselves to leave their plantations due to the fact that most of them were illiterate and didn’t know where to go while others took advantage of their freedom and left. The North continued adopting bills like the Freedmen’s Bureau, the Civil Rights Bill, and the Fourteenth Amendment, which was vetoed by President Johnson, but overrode by Congress. This was a great success during Reconstruction because it provided slaves with many different opportunities. The Freedmen’s Bureau extended the amount of activities for former slaves, such as helping them build schools so they receive an education and making sure they earned an equal pay at their jobs. In 1866, Fourteenth Amendment was passed, declaring African Americans the rights of citizens. The Fifteenth Amendment took this to the next level by granting African American males the right to vote.

    Meanwhile, Southern state conventions were being held to try and limit their freedom by adopting the “Black Codes.” The “Black Codes” took away the rights of African Americans, putting slavery under a new name. The South had depended on slavery for decades and they couldn’t let of it. Discrimination groups like the “Ku Klux Klan” were created to try and keep former slaves from enjoying their rights. Little was done to stop the KKK because most white Southerners refused to testify in court against those who attacked African Americans. Another problem for former slaves was the fact that they couldn’t find jobs, or even a place to stay – this was due to the lack of money. Conditions for African Americans had not improved, and it may even have worsened.

    Reconstruction officially ended when the Compromise of 1877 was passed because President Hayes promised that the federal government would no longer try to reshape the South or intervene to protect the rights of Southern African Americans. As Reconstruction ended, racism and segregation towards African Americans like the Jim Crow Laws set in. Though Reconstruction should mostly be considered as negative, some components were positive. An attempt to give equality to African Americans was made, while slavery was completely destroyed. Reconstruction should not be labeled as “failure” or “success” because some intentions of it were fulfilled, while other aspects of the Union remained the same.What do you this of my essay (short!)?
    Aside from some grammatical and syntactical errors, plus a typo or two, it's not badly written. The problem that you're running into is the casual organzation does not allow you to develop ideas. You're approaching the paragraphs as if they were opportunities to list a bunch of facts. They're not--they're opportunities to develop ideas, and if you approach them in that way, you'll be able to write more paragraphs.

    For instance, one major idea you have here is the interplay between

    Federal Emancipation and the practical realities of what to do with the freedom that was given. You could begin one paragraph by talking about what the federal government was trying to do initially, and then a follow-up paragraph about its achievements. Then, in the paragraph after that, you can talk about some of the limitations of legislation that merely removed restrictions, and the measures taken in the south to thwart the realization of the federal plans. So, in other words, I think you can write three paragraphs just about emancipation alone--the first about the aims of federal emancipation, the second about its achievements, the third about the response in the south (and possibly the counter-response of the feds, unless you want to treat that in a fourth paragraph).

    And that's only the political stuff--you can go on and write about the social ramifications of Reconstruction, including the rise of the KKK--do you think the rise of that organization can be directly attributed to any of the practices of the Reconstruction?

    Moreover, I notice that a lot of the things you mention you don't even really describe. You can talk about the Civil Rights Bill and the Freedmen's Bureau, talking about what they were and what they were meant to do, and whether they each achieved their aims. You start to do that when you talk about the Black Codes--but you stop at just a generalization. Talk about what those codes were, what rights were being taken away, and how they were opposed.

    And what WAS Reconstruction anyway? Who called it that? And in what way was the south supposed to be reconstructed?

    There's a lot more you can say--you just need the organization to say it.

    BTW, I assign projects and papers and exams. Does that mean you want to torture me? LMAO!

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    10 points i need help with Social Studies mid quiz best answer gets 10 points?

    What is located to the north of Siberia?

    1the Arctic Ocean


    3the Caspian Sea


    Which of the following is not important to the economy of the Russian Far East?





    Which of the following occurred first in the history of Russia?

    1Russian czars expanded their empire

    2Russian fur traders crossed the Bering Strait

    3Muscovy won control over parts of Russia

    4Tatars arrived from Central Asia

    The Russian Far East's cities grew because of

    1hunting, fishing, and tourism

    2sugar beet plantations in the Amur River valley

    3large deposits of nonmetallic minerals

    4the Trans-Siberian Railroad and industry

    What happened to the Soviet Union in 1991?

    1The Communists led a second revolution

    2The Cold War became popular

    3It split into 15 republics

    4The country's name changed to Muscovy

    Moscow is not

    1a communication hub

    2a political city

    3a transportation center

    4an Arctic seaport10 points i need help with Social Studies mid quiz best answer gets 10 points?
    1.What is north of Siberia is Arctic Ocean (Siberia is like 1/4 of russia)

    2.Not important economy of far east is shipbuilding because the arctic has icebergs and too strong currents to rely on shipbuilding.

    3.The first in Russias history was the tatars arriving from central asia because russia was without human civilization before they explored.

    4.Im not sure but since a frozen plain with trees isnt so interesting id say the cities grew because of nonmetallic minerals. 1991 the Soviet Union broke apart into 15 republics.

    6. Moscow is inland, almost the middle of europe and russia, so it can't be a seaport. BTW those were all common knowledge from me.
  • deathly hallows part 2 trailer
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  • History Study Guide Help!! :)?

    1. What event required European nations to inform others when claiming a new African territory?

    A. Berlin Conference * myanswer

    B. Indian National Congress

    C. Bloody Sunday

    D. Missouri Compromise

    2.Which of the following events occurred in Russia and led to the establishment of the October Manifesto, which promised more rights to Russians?

    A. Hundreds of protesters were shot after Father Gapon led them to the Winter Palace to demand reform; this was known as Bloody Sunday.

    B. Alexander II freed serfs and gave them land in hopes of developing a market economy.

    C. Jews were attacked, being blamed for the assassination of Alexander II

    D. A secret society known as the Decembrists led a revolt against Nicholas I

    3.What nation did Otto von Bismarck unite in the late 1800s after wars with Austria and France?

    A. Italy

    B. France

    C. Russia

    D. Germany * my answer

    4.Identify the two key figures who led movements in South America's struggle for independence from Spain.

    A. Toussaint L'Ouverture and Napoleon

    B. Sim贸n Bol铆var and Jos茅 de San Mart铆n * my answer

    C. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

    D. Otto von Bismarck and Camillo di Cavour

    5. Which of the following is NOT true about the issues that led to civil war in the United States?

    A. Conflict arose between the northern and southern parts of the United States.

    B. The North was more advanced commercially and they were expanding industrially.

    C. The South wanted to abolish slavery in order to hire laborers to work the plantations.

    D. The South wanted new territories that were being admitted into the United States to be slave state

    6.In what nation did former slave Toussaint L'Ouverture lead a revolt against French forces?

    A. Venezuela

    B. Haiti

    C. United States

    D. Italy

    7.Identify the nation that exerted imperial control over India, impacting its language and religious beliefs.

    A. China

    B. Germany

    C. Britain

    D. Argentina

    8. What term refers to the concept of forcefully extending a nation's authority over weaker nations for purpose of acquiring land or natural resources for their own benefit?

    A. industrialization

    B. imperialism

    C. capitalism

    D. revolution

    9.Who traveled to Japan in 1852, setting up two trading posts and opening the country to trade with the West?

    A. Otto von Bismarck * my answer

    B. Sim贸n Bol铆var

    C. Thomas Jefferson

    D. Matthew PerryHistory Study Guide Help!! :)?
    2) B,cC, and D don't make sense

    5) Since for many the Civil War was fought to abolish slavery, C must be the answer.

    6) Venezuela was a Spanish colony, US was an English one, Italy is Italian. By default...

    7) Since the official language of India is English, you're guess

    8) look up the meanings in a dictionary

    9) Bismark was too busy with German unification to be bothered going to Japan. Likewise Bolivar with South America and Jefferson with the US.

    This Crazy take-home. #62. All of the following are true of the Indians of the cultural regions of?

    California and the Pacific Northwest EXCEPT

    a-they rejected hunting and gathering as a basis for their culture

    b-they had some of the densest populations of North America

    c-they retained a versio of the Archaic economy

    d-they enjoyed such great natural plenty that they had abundance with little labor

    #64. All of the following characterized the Puritans in England except

    a-the belief that doing well materially was a way of glorifying GOD

    b-A prefernce for 'High Church' policies and a more traditional religion

    c-the idea that communities could be revived if congregations monitored individual behavior

    d-concern about the disruptive effect on society of enclosure and 'masterless men'

    #65. The slaves who worked the rice plantations

    a-lived in a white mans world on an everyday basis, surrounded by whites

    b-created a culture and community of their own with a strong sense of their oppression

    c-were reduced to being animals with little sense of humanity

    d-never became a factor in Georgia where the Charter of 1732 banned slavery

    #51. Farming and sedentary living led to

    a-More knowledge as a class of experts developed calanders and mathematics

    b-more peace as a result of fewer social conflicts and protracted wars

    c-more food and therefore freer less regulated lives

    d-more egalitarian societies with fewer violent deathsThis Crazy take-home. #62. All of the following are true of the Indians of the cultural regions of?



    51.maybe c?

    History homework please help.?

    1) What type of evidence do historians use to study the past?

    a) artifacts b) oral traditions c) written records d) all of the above

    2) A confederacy of five native american nations was formed by the

    a) iroquois b) inuit c) navajo d) sioux

    3) The buffalo was extremely important to the native americans of the

    a) eastern woodlands b) northwest c) plains d) southwest

    4) The maya culture was found in

    a) north america b) the yucatan peninsula c) peru d) the andes mountains

    5) The first written constitution in america was the

    a) mayflower compact b) act of toleration c) fundamental orders of connecticut

    6) Which section of the 13 english colonies had a cash crop economy featuring large plantations dependent on slave harbor

    a) new england colonies b) middle colonies c) southern colonies

    7) columbus wanted to...

    a) reach asia by sailing west b) reach asia by sailing east c) discover america d) prove that the earth is round

    8) the colony of new york was first called new amsterdam and was settled by people from

    a) england b) the netherlands c) france d) lithuania

    true or false

    9) The years 1801 to 1900 are called the eighteenth century.

    10) The mayas never developed accurate calendars.

    11) Many europeans who explored the new world were looking for a northwest passage to the atlantic ocean.

    12) The puritans in massachusetts did not believe in complete freedom of religion.

    13) The trial of john peter zenger strengthened freedom of the press in the english colonies.History homework please help.?
    DUDE DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT PERSON HE/SHE IS WRONG ON MOST OF THE ANSWERS. I got a 4/5 on my AP US History in high school so listen to me, I will also explain these to you so you.

    1) D. they use all of the above. They use artifacts for physical proof. They use oral tradition for personal accounts and opinions. And they use written records for sources.

    2) A. The Iroquois because "the original Iroquois League was often known as the Five Nations, as it was composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca nations."-WIKI

    3) C. Plains because the buffalo's natural habitat is the plains.

    4) B. The Maya were a civilization in parts of modern mexico.

    5) A. Mayflower Compact was the first "GOVERNING DOCUMENT" of Plymouth Colony, which is also a constitution. It was signed by members of the Mayflower who were the first British settles.

    6) C. The South had the most agricultural land, although all the colonies had agriculture, and it had the most slaves of any section of the colonies.

    7) A. Columbus wanted to reach India mainly for spices. He believed the west was a vast ocean that eventually would lead to Asia.

    8) B. New York was indeed originally called New Amsterdam and most of its settlers were Dutch(from the Netherlands).

    9) FALSE. It is called the 19th century. Remember this: year 0 to 99 was the first century because they wouldn't call it the zero century. Thus you take the every 100 years as a century PLUS the first century. IE: 912=9 centuries+1st century=10th century.

    10) FALSE. The Mayans are known to have very accurate calendars that had very minute errors.

    11) FALSE. The Europeans already knew where the Atlantic was and the northwest passage leads to the Pacific. They explored the New World for wealth, to spread Christianity, and for fame. (Greed, God, Glory = 3 Gs)

    12) True. The Puritans believed their denomination was the true religion and they only rejected others. It wasn't until 150 years later that the US Constitution granted true freedom of religion.

    13) True. The Zenger trial was a case involving "libel" and the court ruled if someone stated the truth then they could not be tried for libel and this helped free speech.

    I hope I have answered in time for this to help you. I am 99% sure all of these are correct. That other answer is just sh*t. I Hope you didn't use it.
    1) d).

    2) a).

    3) c).

    4) b).

    5) a).

    6) c).

    7) a).

    8) b).

    9) false - 1801-1900 was the nineteenth century.

    10) false.

    11) False - the Northwest Passage was thought to lead to the Pacific ocean.

    12). true.

    13) true.History homework please help.?
    1) a

    2) c

    3) b

    4) b

    5) a

    6) d

    7) a

    8) d

    9) true

    10) true

    11) false

    12) false

    13) false

    What are your veiws on War vs Peace?

    I have spent the last few years listening to those that advocate peace above all else. As a veteran of both gulf wars and the cold war (wasn't so cold where I was), I am shocked by the naivety of my fellow Americans.

    1. War isn't the worst thing on earth. War is a necessary part of our existence. Most of our greatest achievements came from war. Food preservation,Commercial refrigeration (developed to keep food for troops over long distances), Flight (considered a hobby until somebody figured out that you could drop bombs on people, then flight development began to get funding), and most of our medical advances (to treat war wounded) including ambulances and transplant surgery. The space program, that rapid aid to refugees from natural disasters, and our highway system were all developed in response to war or for our military.

    2. Some groups of people will NEVER embrace our point of view because it conflicts with their point of view. Japan NEEDED to take China for their agenda, the fact that WE wanted to exploit china meant that there could be no compromise. Thus we had WWII (nobody knew about the holocaust in Europe until after the war). War is a legitimate part of our diplomacy tool box.

    3. As a member of the U.S. military it was my job to go to war. Saying you want peace to save military personnel is like saying let a building burn to save fire fighters (which is what I do now).

    4. ALL wars are about making rich people richer and our fought by the poor. The revolutionary war, civil war, world war I and II, Vietnam, and yes the gulf wars were about money. (Revolutionary war to save rich land owners from paying taxes, civil war about advancing interest in the north and usurping the cheap labor of the freed slaves, word war I and II about controlling the economies in europe and the far east, Vietnam was about the Rubber plantations left by the french, gulf wars were about oil).

    So you that sit at home and don't fight these wars, other than a political talking point, what exactly is your objection to war, more people died in Detroit today than Afghanistan and Iraq all month.

    I ask this question knowing I am going to get bashed, but I was bored and actually love hearing opposing opinions.What are your veiws on War vs Peace?
    To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.

    鈥揥inston Churchill

    Churchill was a warrior of some note, but valued an attempt to avoid war. Peace is preferable. The problem is, not everyone is willing to negotiate in good faith.

    I believe it is peace in our time.

    鈥揘eville Chamberlain

    That didn鈥檛 work out so well. Adolph Hitler wanted to conquer and occupy the countries around Germany, and to him negotiations were a means to an end and agreements reached would be ignored at Germany鈥檚 convenience.

    As desirable as peace is, it is simply not always obtainable in a world of people that think they can get what they want by violence. One of the most peaceful nations in Europe is Switzerland. They are armed to the teeth and have made it clear that they are willing to fight anyone who violates their boarders. Neighboring countries believe them because they are not bluffing.

    Heavily armed strong countries willing to fight if challenged tend to have a greater shot at peace then ambiguous countries, no matter how well armed, that enemies think they can attack with little danger of retaliation. Bill Clinton tried to ignore a rising series of violent acts against the US with half measures and rhetoric. What it got us in the end was 9/11. Al-Qaida and the Taliban were shocked when George Bush took decisive action after the Twin Towers came down.

    Those that would have peace at any price are not going to get peace. They are going to be victims of aggressive elements in society that do not respect the desire for peace.
    Peace isn't the absence of war, it is the presence of justice. I'll go to war with heaven itself to find peace.What are your veiws on War vs Peace?
    Peace isn't easy to keep. And when it's threatened. Time to start a war!!!!
    War is hell, peace is heavenly...
    1) War being a spur to scientific development is not an excuse. It is a redeeming feature, which comes at incredible cost. Yes, cost. The reason that those developments happened was that R%26amp;D was given a blank cheque in order to win the war. Not because bullets were flying hundreds of miles away.

    2) The very same thing could have been said about Europe in the 50s. Part of Europe was fascist (Spain, Portugal) part of Europe was democratic (UK, France, West Germany) and part of Europe was communist (Poland, East Germany). These three ideologies were totally and utterly incompatible. And yet without a shot being fired the differences have now been resolved to a point where another war in Europe is totally unthinkable.

    3) Your job is not to go to war. Your job is to do what you are ordered. If you are ordered (as a large proportion of the military are) to sit around a cushty base in Germany, Korea or Japan then you will do it. You're not fighting. You're not even defending unless you're near the DMZ.

    4) Which is why we shouldn't have them. The rich are quite rich enough without having to sacrifice the youth of a nation for their blood money.

    If more people died in Detroit today than in Afghanistan and Iraq all month - why the hell are you not sorting out Detroit? They are AMERICAN CITIZENS. They VOTE FOR THE GOVERNMENT. And yet the government (dem and rep) have abandoned them.
    War is the worst thing on earth because it causes death and disfigurement. If you have ever lost a loved one you know that there is nothing worse than that. War is sometimes necessary however, to prevent death on a larger scale and to prevent total control over the people.
    "war is not the answer" as the billboards say.

    However, it all depends upon the question.

    Showing strength and having strength are very important to keeping peace. Some of the biggest casualty and death counts in all the wars in Western Civilization in this century and the past are owing chiefly to one side showing "peace at any cost" to another side that wanted to force their will.

    If the school bully thinks you'll fight back, you get left alone. If he doesn't---expect a lot of wedgies.

    Human nature. are dead on. I would add two points that I think you would agree with.

    5. If we truly wanted to avoid war, we would fight a war with enough force to make other countries know that we are not messing around in any way. The "Shock and Awe" as it was called starting off the Iraq war was too short lived and should not have stopped until they surrendered. Peace through superior fire power and an understanding that we are NOT going to roll over for terrorists, etc.

    6. The most absurd thing about wars is that we blow the hell out of a country and then rebuild it. What in the hell are we doing rebuilding any country. That is stupidity at its highest level.
    Fairly well stated.

    In the cold hard reality of, well...reality, to not prepare for war is to invite it. Force is the ONLY thing that some people understand, no matter how much you or I may "wish" it to be otherwise. Wouldn't it be a great thing if we could all get along and the world was not a zero sum equation in terms of wealth and resources? Yes it would be, but it's NOT.

    War is the pursuit of national policy by other means, (Karl Von Clausewitz {loosely}). You don't have to be a war monger to realize that others are, and that merely being "nice' to them will not change their attitudes.

    If you want perfection, don't look at humans on earth, save it for Val Halla, Heaven, or Nirvana. John Lenon "Imagined" a world of peace. But listen to his lyrics. It was an unrealistic world full of indulgence and free of responsibility or devotion to anything but ones self at that moment. That's the stuff of children's books. There will always be forest fires, floods, animals that want to eat you, and violent human conflict (war).

    U.S. History questions?

    1. The steamboat was an improvement over barges because it could

    A. carry more cargo.

    B. travel upstream.

    C. provide onboard entertainment.

    D. navigate smaller rivers.

    2. Cities grew in the United States during industrialization because

    A. the excitement of city life drew people from farms and villages.

    B. the more challenging factory jobs lured people away from farm work.

    C. the higher wages of factory jobs drew people from farms and villages.

    D. the higher standard of living offered to factory workers drew people from farms.

    3. Which of these statements about transportation in the United States is true?

    A. The National Road marked the start of a federal campaign to improve transportation.

    B. Roads offered a faster, more efficient, and cheaper way to move goods than rivers did.

    C. Railroads expanded trade into many regions and led to the settling of the West.

    D. Steamboats offered reliable transportation only while traveling downstream.

    4. Who introduced mass production of cotton cloth to the U.S.?

    A. Eli Whitney

    B. Samuel Morse

    C. Robert Fulton

    D. Francis C. Lowell

    5. What allowed machines to turn out large quantities of identical pieces that workers assembled into finished products?

    A. interchangeable parts

    B. labor unions

    C. free enterprise system

    D. industrialization

    6. What made river travel easier and more profitable in the North?

    A. tugboats

    B. the Erie Canal

    C. the Suez Canal

    D. barges

    7. The invention of the telegraph had what impact?

    A. Allowed people to call each other in their own homes.

    B. Allowed for mass production of parts in factories.

    C. Allowed information to be communicated quickly.

    D. Allowed people to listen to music in their own homes.

    8. What was the impact of the inventions and technological advances of the early 1800s?

    A. Increased the growth of industry, primarily in the North.

    B. Increased the number of farmers in the South.

    C. Increased the number of cities in the South.

    D. Decreased the number of cities in the North.

    9. What American economic philosophy was a key reason for the rapid industrial growth in the 1800s?

    A. barter system

    B. nationalism

    C. mercantilism

    D. free enterprise system

    10. A cotton gin

    A. picks cotton.

    B. spins cotton into cloth.

    C. removes cotton seeds.

    D. bales cotton.

    11. How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the South?

    A. It strengthened the institution of slavery.

    B. It damaged the Southern economy.

    C. It increased most plantation owners鈥?debt.

    D. It decreased the value of many plantations.

    12. The foundation of the economy in the South was

    A. manufacturing.

    B. farming, mainly a few major cash crops like cotton.

    C. trade of manufactured goods.

    D. fishing and whaling.

    13. How did the increased production of cotton impact people living in the South?

    A. it increased the manufacture of textiles so they could produce and sell clothing.

    B. it put some peoples鈥?farms out of business.

    C. some people who had been poor were able to pay off their debts as a result of growing cotton.

    D. it allowed them to barter for manufactured goods.

    14. What was one downside to the South鈥檚 dependence on cotton?

    A. Industry did not spread as rapidly as it did in the North.

    B. Other crops were more profitable than cotton.

    C. No other types of crops were grown in the South.

    D. There was no downside to the dependence on cotton

    15. What was one impact of the economy on Southern society?

    A. women were allowed to work outside the home

    B. a distinct class system

    C. an increase in manufacturing and factory jobs

    D. a decrease in the number of farming families

    16. The practice of assigning slaves certain jobs to complete each day was known as

    A. the gang system.

    B. specialized labor.

    C. the assignment system.

    D. the task system.

    17. Which of the following was not part of the slave codes restricting slave rights?

    A. slaves could not own land

    B. slaves could not attend religious services

    C. slaves could not bear arms

    D. slaves could not leave a slaveholder鈥檚 property without permission

    18. According to an accepted amendment to the Missouri Compromise, slavery

    A. could expand into the Arkansas territory but not the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

    B. could not expand into any other western territories.

    C. could expand into the Great Plains but not to the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

    D. would be allowed in a new state only if a free state entered the Union at the same time.

    19. John Quincy Adams won the presidency in 1824 because

    A. he won the most popular votes.

    B. he won the majority of votes in the Electoral College.

    C. he won the election in the Senate.

    D. he won the election in the House of Representatives.

    20. After theU.S. History questions?
    1. b

    2. c

    3. c

    4. d

    5. a

    6. b

    7. c

    8. a

    9. d

    10. c

    11. a

    12. b

    13. c

    14. a

    15. b

    16. d

    17. b

    18. a

    19. d

    20. a

    21. b

    22. b

    23. a

    24. c

    25. b
    easy 100% thank you!

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    U.S. History questions?
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  • Why do whites like to insult blacks who apply for welfare?

    Look, if you want to live in a country without welfare, where people starve to death in the streets, or rob people so they won't, go to the Congo, or Eastern Europe, or North Korea. But as long as we live in one of the richest countries on earth, every citizen is entitled to government money when they fall upon hard times. Black Americans die in wars for America, represent America in every from sports to pop culture, invented half the genres of American music there, invented a crap load of invention they never get credit for, and you have the nerve to say blacks are lazy if they are on welfare

    In fact, think of welfare are reparations for all those years blacks worked on slave plantations without getting paid. 350 years of workers compensationWhy do whites like to insult blacks who apply for welfare?
    You stated the answer. Blacks today are not entitled to be paid for what their ancestors went thru. Every race in the world has been enslaved at some point. So should every one feel entitled to a free ride? No. That said it is also not people who fall on hard times that people complain about. It is the ones who make using welfare a way of life. Never work and just keep using the system. And that is people of all races not just blacks.Why do whites like to insult blacks who apply for welfare?
    I don't mind my tax dollars going to welfare for someone who doesn't abuse the system! Life long welfare is abusing the system as we see it everyday here in the US! It goes from generation to generation and when a woman with 5 kids can make $150,000 a year off welfare, something is very wrong!
    Ah, there is that word, reparations. When do I get reparations for feudalism? C'mon. Pay up. Listen, moron, everyone is descended from slaves, peasants, indentured servants, etc. Grow up.
    Be more specific - it isn't "whites", it's Conservatives that insult people that use welfare.
    Are you saying that only black people apply for welfare? How racist of you...I'm against lazy white, Asian and Latino folks on welfare, too.
    Reparations for slavery huh?

    I would be quite happy to pay for one way passage to any nation in Africa
    I don't think that all blacks (or anyone else for that matter) are the targets of the "insults" ....... just those who make it a way of life.
    why do you think that whites do ? should i assume all blacks smoke crack..try not to be prejudice
    Well, unless my mouth got away from me in the middle of the night without my knowledge, I have never insulted anyone about welfare regardless of their race. I'm white, vote Republican, and I'm a conservative who happens to be a Christian. Now according to the conventional wisdom from most Y/A liberals, all I do is sit around and spew hatred. Yet you come on here, and immediately with no evidence make a blanket statement about white people as an entire group when you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about. I do agree, however, that there are some people who come on here for the soul purpose of insulting people. Imagine that. It simply shows that there are rectal orifices almost every where you look and they aren't all white, Repbulican, conservative, Christians.

    Why do white people celebrate christopher columbus day, when he started the slave trade?

    i just want to know why people celebrate the day of christopher columbus, when he killed and capture many innocent people and force them into slavery? He also killed many carribean indians to exstinct, when he settled to their land such as now called (jamaica, dominian republic,hade's and much more). He forced africans and indians into slavery and ship them through out different ports in the carribean and also america....."that is how slavery started during that time era" why do white people celebrate it?

    Here is a sample of a fact about christopher columbus:

    Jamaica, the 3rd largest Caribbean island, was inhabited by Arawak natives. When Christopher Columbus arrived at the island, he claimed the land for Spain. Still, it was not truly colonized until after his death. But only a few decades after Columbus' death almost all Arawaks were disappearing[citation needed]. Spain held the island against many buccaneer raids at the main city, which is now called Spanish Town. Eventually England claimed the island in a raid, but the Spanish did not relinquish their claim to the island until 1670.

    Jamaica became a base of operations for buccaneers, including Captain Henry Morgan. In return these buccaneers kept the other colonial powers from attacking the island. Africans were captured, kidnapped, and forced into slavery to work on plantations when sugarcane became the most important export on the island.

    Many slaves arrived in Jamaica via the Atlantic slave trade during the same time enslaved Africans arrived in North America. During this time there were many racial tensions, and Jamaica had one of the highest instances of slave uprisings of any Caribbean island.[1] After the British crown abolished slavery, the Jamaicans began working toward independence. Since independence there have been political and economic disturbances, as well as a number of strong political leaders.Why do white people celebrate christopher columbus day, when he started the slave trade?
    That's the same as: Why do people prefer celebrate USA's day (or whatever its name is), when they've bombed more than 15 countries, started 7 wars, deceived its citiziens with sanity, security, corruption...?

    Those people that are celebrating are no more than sick minded people that prey upon the victims, like ravenous wolves ready to devour, they are devoid of sanctity and moral value for the lives of others innocent victims, while they feast and make merry as they enjoy the spoils of such, how sad

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    Why do white people celebrate christopher columbus day, when he started the slave trade?
    It isn't strange that "white" people celebrate Columbus day, given the connection between Columbus and slavery, it's strange that ANYBODY celebrates it.
    You can't attempt to judge people in history by today's morality. While saddened by slavery and violence today it was common back's his bravery and sense of adventure that is celebrated...not the slave trade...which he did not start...but which took a huge leap forward because of the discovery of the Americas by Europeans.
    There is movement to change that but speaking of Columbus i figure he was sent to find more gold because monarchies were bankrupt from fighting each other and also I count 1492 as the beginning of the first world war since five armies wrre present in nthe amercas after that date and europe fought indigenous in rest of world.

    Also consider that utilizing articles 26,27,29 of u.n. charter to help protect freedoms of nations and air space by making u.n. ito computer programby copying articles from it to computer program for down load helps create better celebration.Norad,pentagon,congress,nati鈥?guard, and oval office could lijke plan norad says high tech on website.
    Not all white people celebrate Columbus Day anymore. The main reason they did was because they weren't educated in the things you are mentioning. Columbus had become largely mythical for many centuries, and it is only in the last half century that real scholarship has broken through a lot of that, and shown what a terrible guy he was to the native populations. Your article doesn't even go into the worst things. Columbus would have the hands cut off natives who couldn't pay the gold tax (they would almost always bleed to death.) He would give native girls as young as nine or ten as rewards to conquistadors for them to rape as sex slaves, in lieu of giving land or money. Truly horrendous stuff. By the way, supposedly the first African slave brought to the New World was by Columbus' son.

    Additionally, the myth of his first voyage is overblown, and his second is practically ignored. Columbus did nothing new in 1492 that others hadn't already done, specifically the Vikings at least 500 years earlier. The significant voyage of Columbus is his second one, in 1493. He brought 17 ships, a minimum of 1500 men (it could have been double that), cannons, hunting dogs, pigs, cattle, sheep, artisans and craftspeople, architects and engineers, blacksmiths, etc... the makings of a new civilization. Trade routes were established, and new lands were continually discovered and conquered. The Columbian Exchange is the result. THAT is why he is significant, and it is truly significant. It is the first time in world history that one civilization was conquered by another across an ocean. The devastating effect on the New World is beyond catastrophic. Due to disease, 99% of the population died over the next century and a half. Nothing in world history can be compared to it.
    Slavery was not invented by Colon. During roman time slave trade was a very lucrative market.

    Also white people did not go to africa to haunt black people but to buy them. Who did sell black slaves? Rival black tribes. It was black people who sold black people into slaves.

    Also the reason to celebrate Columbus Day is that it's thank to that that the world like it's know exists. For example, without Columbus' voyage Europe would've stayed in the middle ages for at least a couple of centuries more and democracy would be just a chimera.

    Ireland has the right to hate Britian...what do you think??

    Ireland was ruled for 800 yrs by the british in that time the british raped starved and killed our people they tried to wipe us out and setted up plantations to make us a minority.....

    After all these killings 2 men Eamon De Velera and Micheal Collins helped ireland get out of the british empire they established a republic and helped ireland generally...........The IRA who was the military who helped the irish achieve this are still active in the north and i think whatever they dish out to the british they deserve....................

    The British split our country into 2 and it is seperated Northern Ireland (still part of the UK) and the Rep. of Ireland (Free of common wealth and the UK, its own country)..They call the IRA terrorists who are fighting for their land but what about the balck and tans who cam into ireland after 1916 and shot at innocent ppl..............

    On bloody sunday the IRA killed 13 british spies in the IRA and the black and tans went into croke park and shot innocent ppl to get back at the IRA now whos the terrorists.......................

    I think that the british people need to realise that the irish beat the british in the war for independence which they did otherwise there wouldnt be a republic..and that northern ireland is our land and they shuld get the **** out of our country...

    What do u think.....??Ireland has the right to hate Britian...what do you think??
    So does any people the "British Empire" pummeled into submission.

    But I heartily agree with your basic premise. The British should indeed get out of Ireland. It's been made clear to them that they are not wanted.

    The Brits have the right to a secure border, but it better be their own border. They don't have the right to venture beyond their own border and take over.

    Think about it . . . World war one was basically a squabble between the white nations of Europe over who gets to run which parts of the world. If America had sided with Germany against Britain, Britain would have been put in their place instead of Germany and world war two would have never happened.

    Because Russia and Germany were adversarial, the fledgling communist brutality in Russia may have fizzled and died rather than growing into the oppressive USSR and Russians would have been spared the brutal purges of Stalin and the economic devastation borne of an untenable ideology that finally collapsed under the weight of its own shortsightedness.
    I think you'll find Northern Ireland belongs to the people of Northern Ireland and as long as the majority there wants to remain in the UK then it is there right to do so.

    I think you need to grow up, stop living in the past and realise that outdated attitudes like yours aren't welcome in Ireland be that the Republic or Northern.Ireland has the right to hate Britian...what do you think??
    The British%26gt; the Irish, end of story. Accept your natural place in the hierarchy.

    %26lt;edit%26gt; I don't mean literally, I mean figuratively. The British are a very fine people.
    Everyone has the right to hate anyone they want, but they will just live a miserable life living in the past while the rest of us are out getting laid, four wheeling and fishing and throwing back a few cold ones.
    I think your a troll, who is ranting about something you don't understand and doesn't even know half the things you've just said. That's what i think
    You have the right to hate the sky for being blue, so what's your point?
    You have the right...but it seems the bulk of Ireland has successfully moved on.

    HELP!!!! PLEASE!!! DESPERATE!!!true or false?

    most of the great plantations in the south were located in the back-country at the base of the Appalachians. TRUE OR FALSE?

    Many africans who became slaves in the colonies were captured and sold into slavery by other africans

    Also, What are 2 similarities, and 3 differences between the New England colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

    Also, what is a supporting idea for England regulated trade with the North American colonies?

    I really need this help for history class, our teacher gave us about 100 questions, and i don't know how to answer these!HELP!!!! PLEASE!!! DESPERATE!!!true or false?
    1. You should read your book.

    2. Definitely true.

    3. All founded by Puritans, but split off due to religious differences. Again, RTB.

    4. I'm not sure you wrote down the question correctly.
    1. false (i belive)

    2. False (i'm sure)

    3%26amp;4. I don't knowHELP!!!! PLEASE!!! DESPERATE!!!true or false?
    1.) false


    3.) idk

    4.) idk that one either

    hope i helped a little bit

    History Q. Help 10 Points Given?

    12. What document served as a basis for passing laws for the Plymouth Colony?

    The Jamestown Charter

    The Treatise on Government

    The Mayflower Compact

    The Fundamental Orders

    13. One way that Rhode Island differed from the Massachusetts Bay Colony was that Rhode Island had

    a bigger population.

    stricter Puritan laws.

    religious toleration.

    no help from the Indians.

    14. Many Catholics in England supported King Charles I, and he rewarded them with land in America. what colony was founded on that land?




    South Carolina

    15. When the English captured the territory of New Amsterdam from the Dutch, the king gave it to his brother. What colony did it become?



    South Carolina

    New York

    18. Indentured servants left plantations at the end of their contracts. As time went on, planters replaced indentured servants with


    tenant farmers.

    wage labor.

    more indentured servants.

    20. What was a key belief of the Great Awakening?

    (Points: 3)

    Predestination removed the need for confession.

    Non-believers were not in serious trouble with respect to salvation.

    Salvation did not depend on membership in a single church.

    Salvation was open to all who believed in a higher being.

    21. How did the French and Indian War affect the British and ultimately the colonies?

    They gained land but incurred heavy debt.

    They increased Native American support.

    They were able to reduce the Native American population in North America.

    They improved relations with both the French and the Indians.History Q. Help 10 Points Given?
    12. Mayflower Compact

    13. Religious tolerance

    14. Maryland

    15. New York

    20. Salvation was open to all who believe in a higher being.

    21. They gained land, but incurred heavy debt.
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  • US History Help Please????

    1. The Culture that developed among the slaves in English colonies of North America was

    a. derived primarily from that of white masters

    b. based mainly on the traditions of southern Africa

    c. a combination of several African and American cultures

    d. originally develpoed in the West Indies and spread northward

    2. Because there were few urban centers in the colonial South

    a. good roads between isolated plantations were constructed early on

    b. a professional class of laywers and financiers were slow to develop

    c. the rural church became the central focus of southern social and economic life

    d. there were almost no people of wealth and culture in the region

    3. The focus of much of New England's politics, religion, and education was the institution of

    a. the colonial legislature

    b. the town

    c. the militia company

    d. the college

    4. Maryland and Virginia's system of granting land to anyone who could pay trans antlantic passage for laborers?

    5. Fate of many of Nathaniel Bacon's followers?

    6. Uprisings that occured in New York city in 1712 and South Carolina in 1739?

    7. The basic local political institution of New England, in which all freeman gathered to elect officials and debate local affairs?

    US History Help Please????



    4).To help their poor people

    5). Put on trail in England for treason

    6). Were put down quickly by the military

    7). To see how there leaders will react in times of crisisUS History Help Please????
    The answers are all on the net.. easy to find.

    (1) Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

    1: Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

    an end to racist government policies

    the transformation into an industralized, urban region

    an end to tensions between the North and South

    all of the above

    2: The main goal of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction was to

    prevent African Americans from exercising their rights

    gain control of the state legislatures

    restore the Confederacy

    improve the conditions for poor whites

    3: The Fourteenth Amendment was part of a series of laws that

    changed the way a President could hire government officials

    ensured the civil rights of African Americans

    restored the balance of power between the President and Congress

    shifted the balance of power in favor of the Supreme Court

    4: Reconstruction succeeded in rebuilding many of the South's





    5: The expansion of American industry was sparked mainly by

    public welfare programs

    technological advances and financial investments

    a decline in productivity in Europe

    government involvement in the economy

    6: One thing a person could do in 1900 but not in 1865 was

    ride on a train

    sew a dress

    play a phonograph

    read at night

    7: How did John D. Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

    He formed a trust.

    He practiced vertical consolidation.

    He joined a cartel.

    He practiced free trade.

    8: The nation's first major labor strike was begun by

    railway workers angered about wage cuts and unsafe trains

    steel workers upset by the use of scabs

    women protesting lack of advancement in factories

    Pinkerton agents who threw a bomb at police

    9: What was the one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?

    They had to live on the land all year long.

    They had to farm the land for five years in a row.

    They had to file a claim with a bank.

    They had to wheel portable cabins from plot to plot

    10: What was a major incentive in the settling of the West?

    the legal, private ownership of land

    the award of large land grants to the railroads

    the desire to limit slavery

    the refuge offered for outlaws and the oppressed

    11: One reason that the United States became more urban during the late 1800s is that

    farm machines and factory-made goods reduced the need for farm labor

    nobody wanted to live on farms anymore

    immigrants did not know how to do farm work

    union organizing of farm workers had not yet begun

    12: Where did European immigrants often settle in the United States?

    in western railroad towns

    in their ports of entry

    in the South

    near lakes

    13: Prohibition groups saw a link between drinking and

    abuses by big business

    lower public morals

    anti-Asian feelings

    high tariffs

    14: Reformers who tried to solve social problems by helping the needy believed that

    immoral behavior should be punished by deportation

    stricter laws were needed to discourage unacceptable behavior

    prosperous Americans should lead reform efforts

    the cultures of immigrant groups should be respected

    15: During the late 1800s and early 1900s, what segment of American society was most likely to attend college?

    wealthy white men

    New Englanders

    gifted students

    middle-class women(1) Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?
    OMG do your own homework or look it up. Stop taking short cuts and pay attention in class.
    u dont have to be so rude im sure there were times when u needed a little extra help.....gosh!!!

    Report Abuse

    (1) Which was NOT a major success of Reconstruction in the South?
    man watever u do it 2 n not only dat!! we dont have teachers dumb *** know wat ur talkin about b4 u say somethin

    Report Abuse

    man watever u do it 2 n not only dat!! we dont have teachers dumb *** know wat ur talkin about b4 u say somethin

    Report Abuse

    Pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee helppp?

    1. Which is NOT true about the geography of the Southeast? (1 point)

    The coastal plains of the Southeast have many kinds of wetlands.

    As you move inland from the coast, the elevation of the land gets lower.

    There is an area of rolling hills and valleys known as the Piedmont.

    Barrier islands are formed from sand that has been deposited near the shore.

    2. How would you describe the climate of the Southeast? (1 point)

    The coastal plains are cool, and the mountain areas are warm.

    Hurricanes pose a danger to the region from November until May.

    The few storms in the region never produce damage.

    Most of the region is warm and sunny with plenty of rain.

    3. Which is NOT a function of lighthouses? (1 point)

    to light amusement parks

    to help sailors avoid the rocky coastlines

    to warn sailors of dangerous rocks and currents

    to serve as tourist attractions

    4. Which is NOT true about the Southeast? (1 point)

    Logging and coal mining are important industries in the region.

    About a dozen kinds of animals that live in the Everglades are endangered.

    Rice is primarily grown in the states of Arkansas and North Carolina.

    Paper and furniture are made from trees harvested in the region.

    5. Which of the following best describes the Cherokee? (1 point)

    They once farmed, hunted, fished, and gathered for a living.

    They passed many deadly diseases to the Europeans.

    Their language is the oldest written language in the world.

    Although the Cherokee were sad, none died on the Trail of Tears.

    6. Which is NOT true about the Spanish in the Southeast? (1 point)

    Juan Ponce de Le贸n explored what is now the state of Florida.

    St. Augustine was the first permanent European settlement in what is now the United States.

    Louisiana was named by La Salle in honor of the king of Spain.

    Hernando de Soto searched for gold through much of the region.

    7. Which crop was NOT a major crop grown on Southeastern plantations? (1 point)





    8. Which is one reason why the Civil War began? (1 point)

    Eleven northern states seceded from the United States.

    Southerners did not want slavery in the Southeast region.

    Many Southerners wanted their states to have less power.

    Northerners did not want slavery in the new states added to the nation.

    9. Which did NOT happen during Reconstruction? (1 point)

    Farmers plowed their overgrown fields and planted crops.

    Many people died from wounds or diseases in army camps.

    Factories, homes, and other buildings were rebuilt and repaired.

    Southern states were readmitted to the United States.

    10. Which was largely the result of the protests led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? (1 point)

    Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Declaration of Independence

    Thirteenth Amendment

    United States Constitution

    11. What was found in Dahlonega, Georgia, in 1828? (1 point)





    12. What caused Atlanta to grow and prosper after 1837? (1 point)

    It was a center of communications and finance.

    People in search of gold moved to the area.

    It was the western end of a new railroad line.

    Use the map to answer questions 13鈥?4.

    13. What do the green colors represent on the map?

    (1 point)

    14. Which is at a higher elevation? Atlanta or Savannah? How do you know?

    (1 point)

    15. Apply Information Would you rather visit Florida in July or in December? Explain your reasoning. (3 points)

    16. Evaluate Do you think the Southeast鈥檚 greatest gift to the United States has been its people, its products, or something else? Explain. (3 points)Pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee helppp?
    Just a little bit of advice to you; nobody wants to take an hour out of their life to help an 8th grader with their geography homework.

    People would be more willing to help if you just asked one question.

    And how long did it take you type that up, anyway? Wouldn't it have been quicker to just read the chapter?

    Best wishes.Pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee helppp?
    MABEL that was so rude, Katz Krew going to rip u!

    Report Abuse

    AP us history homework. PLEASE help?

    ok im failing this class my parents have taken away my social lif and i am typing this secretly for i am grounded form my e-mail and any other kind of social network, the phone, cell phone taken away, no friends, no boyfriend. how i have survived this last month i have no idea. ok these are the questions

    1. what were the agricultural regions in the south and what crops were grown in them?

    2. what do the authors mean by the statement that the antebullum south had a "colonial"economy(we have the allen brinkly book)

    3.though only a small minority of southern whites owned slaves,the regionwas seen-both by the outside world and by many southeners themselves- as a society dominated by great plantations and wealthy land owning planters. how did this happen?

    4.why did so few nonslaveholding whites oppose the slaveholding oligarchy? where did these opponents live?

    5.what were slave codes?what function did they serve? how were they applied,what resulted from their violation? did the slave respond to slavery?what evidence exists to show that slaves did not accept their condition without protest and in some cases outright deffiance? extensive was the practiceof manumission in the south?what was the status of the freed slave in the south and how did this compare to the status of the freed people in the north? have historical interpetations of the impact oif the slavery on the slaves evolved over the years?what shapes these historians assesments?AP us history homework. PLEASE help?
    If you can email me at: i can answer your questions lol i can gve you links and stuff for the info and give you answers(don't worry im not some crazy pedophile or rapist), I also take AP U.S. history, and I too have been punished, i can't talk to my beloved girlfriend, no Facebook and no cell phone :(AP us history homework. PLEASE help?
    bahahah, syd get your grades up so we can hang out.

    Report Abuse

    Someone help me with this please?

    1- Of what did slave owners accused Northerners?

    a. stealing slaves to work in northern factories

    b. growing cotton to compete with the Southern plantations

    c. encouraging slaves to work harder

    d. treating factory workers worse than slaves

    2. The Creoles in Louisiana formed the Native Guards for all of the following EXCEPT..

    a.economic self-interest

    b.the North refused their request to fight with the Union army

    c. tradition

    d. to protect their homes

    3. In 1860, which of the following states were Republican?

    a. Kentucky and Virginia

    b. Alabama and Georgia

    c. Utah and New Mexico

    d. Pennsylvania and New Jersey

    4. All of the following ran for president in 1824 EXCEPT

    a. George Crawford

    b. John C. Calhoun

    c. John Quincy Adams

    d. Andrew Jackson

    5. The last president under which the United States operated under a single (Democratic-Republican) party was:

    a. Andrew Jackson

    b. John Quincy Adams

    c. John C. Calhoun

    d. James Monroe

    I would really appreciate it if you helped :)Someone help me with this please?
    the answer is D
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  • History Horrors :( somebody help me?

    Proprietors in the Middle Colonies permitted their colonists to elect representative assemblies because:

    A. this attracted settlers

    B. they wanted to surrender power

    C. they believed in the natural rights of all people

    D. this kept the colonies from becoming independent

    The proportion of African Americans was higher in the Southern Colonies because

    A. they were free there

    B. they found work in the industries

    C. they preferred the climate there

    D. slave labor proved profitable on plantations

    Unlike the Europeans' view of land ownership, the Native Americans believed that

    A. land ownership was essential to an individuals' progress

    B. enslaved persons could own land

    C. the land was shared with all members of the group

    D. only chiefs could sell land

    In the colonies, the right to vote was usually limited to

    A. all whites owning property

    B. all adult members belonging to the established church

    C. all males owning property

    D. adult white males owning property and belonging to the estanlished church

    The Puritans in Massachusetts

    A. believed in religious freedom for all

    B. purchased land from Native Americans

    C. carried on the traditions of the Church of England

    D. drove away people who disagreed with them

    Settlers who wanted rich farmlands and more religious freedom settled in

    A. connecticut and rhode island

    B. new hampsire and massachusetts

    C. jamestown and new hampsire

    D. delaware and north carolina

    English nobels were attracted to the colonies because of

    A. religious freedom

    B. the whaling industry

    C. its military advatages

    D. profits from tobacco

    THANKS FOR ALL THE HELPHistory Horrors :( somebody help me?
    Proprietors in the Middle Colonies permitted their colonists to elect representative assemblies because this attracted settlers.

    The proportion of African Americans was higher in the Southern Colonies because slave labor proved profitable on plantations.

    Unlike the Europeans' view of land ownership, the Native Americans believed that the land was shared with all members of the group.

    In the colonies, the right to vote was usually limited to adult white males owning property and belonging to the established church.

    The Puritans in Massachusetts drove away people who disagreed with them.

    Settlers who wanted rich farmlands and more religious freedom settled in Connecticut and Rhode Island.

    English nobels were attracted to the colonies because of profits from tobacco.History Horrors :( somebody help me?
    A. this attracted settlers

    D. slave labor proved profitable on plantations

    C. the land was shared with all members of the group

    C. all males owning property

    D. drove away people who disagreed with them

    A. Connecticut and Rhode island

    D. profits from tobacco

    I need some help on American History?

    I really need some help on these questions:

    1. Which invention helped the spread of Protestantism across Europe?

    A. caravel

    B. compass

    C. printing press

    D. astrolabe

    2. Which of the following was native to Europe?

    F. Horses

    G. Cocoa

    H. Corn

    J. Turkeys

    (There is a chart on number 2 that says: Items brought from the Americas: Cocoa, corn, potatoes, squash, tobacco, turkeys. Items brought from Europe: Cattle, citrus fruits, diseases, grains, horses, and sugarcane.)

    3. How did Spanish colonization in the Americas help spread Catholicism?

    A. More Catholics than Protestants moved to North America.

    B. Spanish priests converted Native Americans.

    C. Spanish conquistadors killed Native Americans.

    D. Catholics moved to the Americas for religious freedoms.

    4. How did the Spanish contribute to the African slave system in the Americas?

    F. They controlled the slave trade.

    G. They began using Native Americans on their vast plantations, but many died.

    H. Many wrote books and letters against the slave practice, but it continued.

    J. The Spanish king outlawed African slavery in Spanish territories, prompting other countries to do the same.

    5. What was the Middle Passage?

    A. The journey slaves were forced to take from Africa to the West Indies.

    B. The journey from the interior of Africa to the coast that slaves were forced to take.

    C. The journey from the West Indies to Charleston, South Carolina.

    D. The journey from a slave auction to a new owner's house.

    Thanks for everyone's help on the previous question I asked. The answers were right! So if anyone could help me on these, it would be awesome. And please try not to just take a wild guess, only say the ones you're pretty sure about or you know! Thanks!I need some help on American History?
    1. printing press. Protestants translated and spread the Bible

    2. Horses

    3 B. the spanish started by converting the Aztec priests to Catholicism. The rest of the christianisation was easy

    4 G. They imported slaves to replace the dead Indians. Bear in mind that most of the slave trade went to Arabia and Turkey

    5 A. the first passage was the route from Europe to Africa (trade goods, weapons, cloth). The middle passage was the route from Africa to America/Carribean (slaves). The third passage was the route from America to Europe (cotton, coffee). The total is called the triangular routeI need some help on American History?
    It is easy to see why your name is not spelled "Read".

    Historical thinking please help me thank you?

    1). what type of evidence do historians use to study the past?

    a) artifacts,

    b) oral traditions

    c) written records

    d) all of these

    2). the maya culture was founded in

    a) north america

    b) the yucatan peninsula

    c) peru

    d) the andes mountains

    3). the buffalo was extremely important to the native americans of the

    a) eastern woodlands

    b) northwest

    c) plains

    d) southwest

    4) the confederacy of five native american nations was formed by the

    a) iroquois

    b) inuit

    c) navajo

    d) sioux

    5) the colony of new york was first called new amsterdam and was settled by people from

    a) england

    b) the netherlands

    c) france

    d) lithuania

    6) what section os the 13th english colonies had a cash crop economy featuring large plantations dependent on slave labor?

    a) new england colonies

    b) middle colonies

    c) southern colonies

    7) columbus wanted to

    a) reach asia by sailing west

    b) reach asia by sailing east

    c) discover america

    d) prove that earth was roundHistorical thinking please help me thank you?
    1. d

    2. b

    3. c

    4. a

    5. b

    6. c

    7. aHistorical thinking please help me thank you?
    Easy and simple...

    1) D

    2) C

    3) C

    4) A

    5) B

    6) A

    7) C

    What was slavery like in America?

    I want to find out about what slavery was like in America. I'm looking for first hand sources (and ones written without any agenda). Did any former slaves write about their experiences? If not, have there been interviews with former slaves? Did blacks themselves resent slavery or was it accepted as a natural part of life? Were slave owners kind or cruel? Did slaves have personal ties to their masters' families or were plantations run like businesses?

    I'm looking for first hand sources if possible, not just from the Civil War but also from colonial times. I was going to have a look at "Uncle Toms Cabin" but put the book down once I found it was written by a white woman in the north.What was slavery like in America?
    Well, your question is difficult...

    I don't believe any slaves have ever written about slavery; however in Africa there still is slavery going on.

    Im not sure about interviews, slavery was banned from the U.S. a long time ago and I'm not sure if some slaves are still alive today, I'd hope so.

    Most blacks didn't like slavery, most were forced at a young they could take it both ways.

    Slave owners were cruel, if you've read about slavery, they whip/yell at them if they don't listen, they don't get medicine when ill, and they don't get a well meal

    Plantations were kind of like businesses, they'd sell their slaves for money.

    What Does Islam, the Confederate States of America, & the Grinch all have in common ?

    what is the one common goal of Islam, the CSA, %26amp; the Grinch ? they all want to stop something from Happening !

    1. First off of the 3, We all know Grinch waned to stop Christmas but later realized in his Heart that it was'nt so bad, %26amp; Finally understood it, he Changed from there on !

    2. The Confederate States of America did'nt want to modernize, like the North part of American with the Industrial Revolution, the with Factories, machines, Labor man life with out slaves, City life, %26amp; similar to today ! the South wanted to live the way there were, Farm life, work was done by African Slave on Plantations farming for Cotton and Tobacco, they wanted to live in Peace with out the Federal Government telling what to do, how to improve there lifes but they wanted to live in the Dark Ages ! So they Fought a War for there Right to live in the past, the Disadvantage about living in the past is you are fighting against a Army with Advanced Weapons ! the CSA ia Similar to the Mormons in the Utah War (1857-1858) they wanted the Right to practice Polygamy %26amp; few of the same things the South wanted ! the Us Army out numbered the town 2500 to 200, so the Mormons planned to Burn Salt Lake city and make there Escape into Mexico but there leader Brigham Young stepped down from Office at the last minute !

    3. As for Islam, Muslims are trying to Stop Change %26amp; Modernization of there Religion from Happening ! Many of them Feel if they removed the Sharia %26amp; Hadith and Become Modernized like Christianity %26amp; just read the Quarn, that they would be removing the most important part of Allah's Laws %26amp; Rules, doing so would lead a clear road to HellFire ! Also some Muslim feel the one way that is the right way to a good life, is there way of life ! with Rules, Customs %26amp; Laws most feel only True way to Correct and bring Real Peace to a world which some of them might view as Evil, Offensive %26amp; Unclean is through Islam ! Some extremists would rather live in the Dark Ages %26amp; believe the only way to Solve a Problem is though the use of Violence or the Sword ! also treating women the way as they did in Ancient times ! in Western Cuture there is a Saying when in Rome Do a Romans, but in Islam there is also a Saying, Do not do or copy Infidels ! One of the Theories of why the Ottoman Empire Fell was because of Radical Islam Sharia Law, %26amp; islamic theology Perevented the Empire From Modernizing like the West ! since the Ottoman Empire was the Largest, Muslim Country in History (1299-1923)

    i hope the Facts Above might make things clearer about the 3 %26amp; what u might think of them, since they all want to Stop or Try to Stop Something from Happening !What Does Islam, the Confederate States of America, %26amp; the Grinch all have in common ?
    feel better now do you after your irreverent rant
    Stop hating on Muslims. Islam isn't a bad religion only extremists make it out to be like that. Read up on the 'real' Islam hun.What Does Islam, the Confederate States of America, %26amp; the Grinch all have in common ?

    i dont read full cos i dont like to read english too much

    but i think u got some points. i think they are both trying to stop each other from happening.
    nothing see games.
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  • History Study Guide Help?

    Open QuestionShow me another 禄

    History Study Guide Help!! :)?

    1. What event required European nations to inform others when claiming a new African territory?

    A. Berlin Conference * myanswer

    B. Indian National Congress

    C. Bloody Sunday

    D. Missouri Compromise

    2.Which of the following events occurred in Russia and led to the establishment of the October Manifesto, which promised more rights to Russians?

    A. Hundreds of protesters were shot after Father Gapon led them to the Winter Palace to demand reform; this was known as Bloody Sunday.

    B. Alexander II freed serfs and gave them land in hopes of developing a market economy.

    C. Jews were attacked, being blamed for the assassination of Alexander II

    D. A secret society known as the Decembrists led a revolt against Nicholas I

    3.What nation did Otto von Bismarck unite in the late 1800s after wars with Austria and France?

    A. Italy

    B. France

    C. Russia

    D. Germany * my answer

    4.Identify the two key figures who led movements in South America's struggle for independence from Spain.

    A. Toussaint L'Ouverture and Napoleon

    B. Sim贸n Bol铆var and Jos茅 de San Mart铆n * my answer

    C. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

    D. Otto von Bismarck and Camillo di Cavour

    5. Which of the following is NOT true about the issues that led to civil war in the United States?

    A. Conflict arose between the northern and southern parts of the United States.

    B. The North was more advanced commercially and they were expanding industrially.

    C. The South wanted to abolish slavery in order to hire laborers to work the plantations.

    D. The South wanted new territories that were being admitted into the United States to be slave state

    6.In what nation did former slave Toussaint L'Ouverture lead a revolt against French forces?

    A. Venezuela

    B. Haiti

    C. United States

    D. Italy

    7.Identify the nation that exerted imperial control over India, impacting its language and religious beliefs.

    A. China

    B. Germany

    C. Britain

    D. Argentina

    8. What term refers to the concept of forcefully extending a nation's authority over weaker nations for purpose of acquiring land or natural resources for their own benefit?

    A. industrialization

    B. imperialism

    C. capitalism

    D. revolution

    9.Who traveled to Japan in 1852, setting up two trading posts and opening the country to trade with the West?

    A. Otto von Bismarck * my answer

    B. Sim贸n Bol铆var

    C. Thomas Jefferson

    D. Matthew PerryHistory Study Guide Help?
    1. Berlin (Congo) Conference

    2. Bloody Sunday

    3. Germany

    4. Boliver y San Martin

    5. C.

    6. Haiti

    7. Britain

    8. B

    9. INCORRECT. Read up on Matthew Calbraith Perry.