Saturday, March 3, 2012

Are you for the rebel flag?

i live in a red neck town it is hard to get away from the rebel flag. people ether have it on there cars, or hanging up as a flag on the outside of there house. if is not on an object it is on people like on tee shirts, what no. so i pretty much see the rebel flag were ever i go!

now, here is a history lesson for you the north was more advance than the south. with technological it is still that way today. the south were more into plantations, the south did not want to change there way of life. the north wanted the south to change become more into the factories. so it was just not about slavery the civil war but it was a factor in it. also the north was more educated than the south, it is still that way till this day!

now when you see the rebel flag what do you think of? im just not for rebel flags they represent the south when we had slaves, were ignorant. i just don't understand why people wear it so proudly why there so proud to be red necks. why cant we have something else to represent the south, or do we? like a flower thats only native to the south or a gator! alligator only live in Florida why cant that be the sign of the south?Are you for the rebel flag?
The Confederate flag stood for many things but slavery was never one of them. It stood for states being able to govern themselves. It stood for the aristocratic way of life of Southern gentlemen and ladies. It stood for people fighting to preserve their way of life.

As with many symbols, there are people that corrupt the true meaning of a symbol either because of a lack of understanding or because of a hatred of those who use it.

The symbol known as the "swastika" is another good example. People associate the symbol with racism and hatred but the true meaning of the symbol is very different. Hitler "stole" the symbol from the Native Americans. It is a symbol of life with the four arms representing the four directions and the four elements.
They, southern States, seceded from the Union making them traitors to the United States. The stars and bars flag is not only a symbol of slavery, but it is the flag of traitors.Are you for the rebel flag?
have you heard the old saying .if your heart ant in dixie get your ''' out
I never fly it.
I don't think it's a matter of being for or against a flag. It's a piece of history and anyone who wants to display it should have that right. The problem is that some un-educated people believe it stands for racism and that has never been true. If you outlaw the rebel flag, you have to outlaw all the red, green, and black clothes and symbols that blacks like to show off. It has to be fair. You can't ban one without banning the other.
As the descendant of two Confederate soldiers, I favor the Confederate flag as a symbol of a people yearning for simpler, more familiar times who were ready, willing and able to put their lives and their fortunes on the line for that cause. Yes, slavery was a part of it; undeniably so. However, neither of my ancestors were slaveholders, so it was clearly more complicated than that.

All of that said, I realize some people associate the Confederate flag with racism and I understand that since the Southern economy ran largely on slave power. I refuse to argue with these people because I think their opinion is correct, even if only to a degree.

Remember, we get out of our symbols exactly what we put into them. Some people look at the Confederate flag and see a banner promoting extreme racism. I look at it and see a great, great (etc.) grandfather and uncle.

By the way, I was born, mostly raised and education and continue to live in what was a Union state.
the confederate flag is a symbol of civil unrest in our country and what's more a matter of Heritage for many southerners. So I say for it.
When I see the rebel flag, admittingly, the very first things that come to mind are the Confederacy, the slave trade, and the bloodiest war America ever fought.

But I know that's not all the flag stands for. It mainly stands for people who wanted to live lives of their own and not have it run by people they did not agree with. Remember that America itself was once considered a traitor by a certain imperial regime.

I hardly agree with anything the Confederacy itself stood for, and in the end it's a good thing Lincoln brought the Union to victory. but I do know it's not what the flag stood for and not what many people who currently wave it stand for. The two aren't synonymous, in my opinion.

Coming from someone whose family has lived in "The North" since the continent was first being colonized, that must mean something.

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