Why do people flame with insults racism etc etc about Mexicans when Americans have no idea what Mexico and whole Latin America has gone through ?
Dont you know people go to the north for a better life and work?.
oh wait you say Mexico does the same thing about asking papers?
Well im sure your visit for 3 weeks at Cancun isnt for a settlement lifestyle but its a vacation for your materialistic life.
These Illegal immigrants want is a a roof over there heads and a future for there childrens
But then again you say all immigrants are criminals trafficking illegal drugs.
Well maybe if congress in 1913 would have never passed the marijuana act. we wouldnt see marijuana trafficking as much in
But you say they are drug abuser and supply the united states.
Well mexico aint a pretty place. Everything is corrupted even police authorities. If you were in there shoes ( if they have any ) I know for a fact that you would try at least in you last human instincts search for a better life. In mexico there is 4 option Farm for pennies a day or sell things for pennies a day. Get into the drug business to make money. or head north.
You ask yourself why do these Mexicans in mexico do criminal activity? because when your education system and political system is flawed in mexico it becomes chaos. So people you know what money and power so they do criminal things to make a living. I mean this applies to Middle east. Well Opium crop. I hear soldiers talk about Taliban soldier just joining the rebellion to get paid and some solider said a simple solution is givign them a better life and jobs. You see the USSR ( i do not support them ) wanted to industrialize the middle east. So the USA gave arms and supported the Islamic extremest to fight the equality ideology. So opiums crops went up and since they have power they took over the opium business which his a problem today. Now after the USSR left civil war broke out ( of course with all those weapons laying around)
You see NAFTA has hurt the agriculture greatly in Mexico, So everything is has become some what of government/ feudal land/ cooperate system. So the farmer loses alot of money and competition etc etc etc
Government officials all over were established by Americans has dictatorship to stop Peasants from revolting in Latin American. yes this is a fact even the CIA says they did it to stop communism.
If i may recall that the United Fruit Company ( backed by the Eisenhower administration ) in Guatemala Revolution [ 1953 ] they did the same thing in contrast. Farmers lost crops because of big cooperate competition. The UFC owned all railroads,all plantations, all ports. Sure it created jobs for pennies a day.
So in human instincts the peasants farm workers said no more and revolted.. in other words Marxist/ Communism revolution for Public land ownership and against privatization.
Some fled the country. thats why you see alot of criminals activity in L.A after 1960s because they fled to California or Mexico- ( Capital of exiles ). there is alot of data that contrast to this simple semi feudal slave labor.. even in Asia but i dont want to waste your time.
i dont still understand why Americans criticize Illegals for all this non sense when there is alot OF INFORMATION BEHIND ITWhy do people flame backlash with derogatory insults about illegals? when they know nothing of history?
All of that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Americans lives are being put at risk EVERY SINGLE DAY from illegals. We have a RIGHT to protect ourselves. If Mexico has problems (and I know they do), stay down there and fix it.
Well if that isn't a rant...NOTHING is....
Illegal is illegal....
Do what is lawful or pay the price...
Oh..and I'm not going to read your senseless ramblings
It's like this....
I know nothing about sticking a piano in my @ss...But I do know it will hurt...Why do people flame backlash with derogatory insults about illegals? when they know nothing of history?
We know exactly what Mexico and South America has been through, we're the ones who did most of it to them.
The word Illegal means ILLEGAL . An a illegal is a criminal .
I didnt read past why !
I'm not going to read your whole rant. I am going to say that they have a country that needs to be fixed. So do we. Where do we go when we want something better than what we have? Who lets us come in undocumented and take jobs and homes and public services and education for free? Mexicans have a country and they need to take pride in their country and fix it, rather than coming here and wrecking ours. Their president needs to be a leader and the people need to stand on their own two feet, shoes or no, and fight for their own country and leave ours alone!! We have done all we can for them with guns and money, all of which is sold to the bad guys! I say close the border, ship out the illegals and no more immigrants until our country is back on its feet, and then only a certain amount every year.
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn
about mexicans or other hispanics
about how hard they had it, screw them
I don't care what the Mexicans went through in their own country. If they want to move to this country do it the right way and apply for citizenship. Go through the front door, Not the back door! Do it the right way, Welcome to America. Do it the wrong way, GO HOME!
big deal...why don't they stay in mexico and actually try to improve their country....no that would be too hard....it is easier to come here and screw up our country
There was a time when Mexico was not as corrupt, but Mexicans have made it that way through their greed. We don't want that here.
Some people in the US do not care about Hispanic immigrants because they are not white. Had the been white we would be treating them like we did to the Jews. We would bring them over and provide with exile.
I am a retired Police Officer on the Ca. Az Mexico border. We have enforced Title 8 of the U.S. Code and Ca. Penal Code Section 834(b) here for decades at the behest of our Hispanic community leaders and our Hispanic cities government. Why does everyone think that all illegals that come here from Mexico are farm workers. I would love to see you come down here and go out to the areas that the armed Coyotes use to smuggle drugs and people and read them your little rant. Lets see if you get back alive. Ca. spends between 10 and 15 billion a year just on welfare benefits to illegal aliens, yet the Democrat Legislature, for the second time in a few months, cut funding to the public schools. The hospitals along the America side of the border are nearly broke because of unpaid emergency room visits from illegal aliens. Go into any neighborhood controlled by M-S13 and tell them your thoughts. The day of the illegal that sneaks across the border to do farm work is a thing of the long ago past. The Farm Workers Union does not allow illegals. No disrespect meant but unless you are here and witness to the problems it causes you are full of crap.
I know in la la land where you are from there are no Mexican illegals but here in the Southwest there are millions of them. We have seen what they do. We see how the abuse our government handouts. We have grown tired of them. We want them out.
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