Virtually all non-dairy cheese contains at least one of the following: soybean oil, palm oil, or vegetable oil, usually palm oil. Palm plantations in Indonesia are destroying wildlife habitat, specifically that of our red-haired cousins 鈥?orangutans. Rainforests support 500 times more species than North American forests. Elephants are regularly poisoned when they raid oil palm plantations for food because they are starving due to habitat loss. These elephants often take up to a month to die from the poison. SIX FOOTBALL FIELDS OF RAINFOREST ARE DESTROYED EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY. FOR PALM OIL.
Think before you act. Avoid simplistic thinking of you are who you claim to be.
Like don't drink non-organic coffee, commercial coffee= deforestation for sun-grown coffeeVegan and vegetarian non-dairy cheese is unethical? (along with other non-animal products)?
What did soybean oil have to do with this?
Personally I have been avoiding palm oil since before I was vegan, and have even had an article published about it in a vegan magazine. But what vegan cheeses is palm oil in? Do you have a list of vegan items which don't contain palm oil?
Deforestation of SE Asian rainforest also produces a significant proportion of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, as the wet peat soils must be drained before agricultural use and the large volumes of decaying organic material and bacteria associated with these soils releases many millions of tonnes of methane, nitrogen oxides and other greenhouse gasses. And due to the mechanics of these soils, you can't drain just part of it and use half a forest like is done in other regions- the entire forest must be removed in order for the soil to be drained. So the only good thing about it is for the European millionaires like George Soros who make fortunes from this process.
However it is possible to produce palm oil sustainably, it produces fruit for up to 20 years after being planted and the remaining material can be used to make paper products. The problem is the expansion of the industry and the difficulty in considering the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil as anything other than a greenwash. But if there comes a time when information about sustainable palm oil is reliable, then this needs to be considered.
SO what do you do? Not eat anything? Or do you do as good as you can. Eat tofu.
The deforstation in INdonesia but more specifically Malaysia is outrageous. You're right in that Palm OIl is one of the worst things to support, by eating the products made from it.
Not all vegetarians like or eat imitation cheese made from palm oil. YOu can easily make your own.Vegan and vegetarian non-dairy cheese is unethical? (along with other non-animal products)?
Do you know what destroys the most rain forest? Land being cleared to grow soy. Soy that is mostly produced to produce CATTLE fodder.
A vegetarian/vegan lifestyle uses much less resources, including land that used to be rain forest, than a meat eating lifestyle.
Think before you act. Avoid simplistic thinking of you are who you claim to be. There are plenty of reasons not to abstain from meat, but preventing the destruction of rain forests is not one of them.
Actually, palm oil and modified palm kernels, are two ingredients I will avoid at all costs. I love orangutans and know the terrible effect the palm oil industry has on their only native habitat. We all do the best we can.
Production of virtually every consumer product in existence destroys wildlife habitat to some degree. This includes things we all use every day. Including vegans that claim to live a "cruelty-free" lifestyle.
There's always someone who's willing to take the next step closer to insanity.
What's next. We're being cruel to the fruit fly for eating HIS fruit?
Ease up, vegans are doing all they can
Moron, just buy environmentally responsible palm oil, etc.
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