1, How did slaves who were still on the plantations during the war help the Union cause?
A, They prayed for the war to end.
B, They ate less food so that more food could be sent to the Union soldiers.
C, They passed information to the Union soldiers through a network they established.
D, They slowed down their work production or did not work.
E, all of the above
3, Why were some Southern people quoted as saying that "it was a rich man's war, but a poor man's fight"?
A, Because the rich men were all officers and the poor men served on the front lines.
B, Because the rich men made more money.
C, Because the rich men had nice uniforms and the poor men were dressed in rags.
D, Because a rich man could get out of serving by paying a poor man to take his place.
4, How did the Civil War change the economy of the country?
A, The North built up its industry.
B, The North had more jobs for people.
C, We had a new Income Tax.
D, The South's economy was in bad shape.
E, all of the aboveNEED HISTORY HELP 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER,,,,,,,,,,,?
1)C or D
3) A
4) A
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