Saturday, March 3, 2012

About the Cival War, what do you think?

The Americans fought hard for this union? Get the facts... 1) England addressed the peace treaty after the Revolutionary War to each new 13 states, not to one "union" of states. 2) The Revolutionary War was fought to free us from a strong central government.

Why in the world do you think the union was fighting like their grandfathers? Their grandfathers were fighting for what the South was fighting for. The South was more American, and the north was more like what our founding fathers were escaping... Is this that hard to see?

I wish the south did win and slavery would of ended in later years regardless of the cival war while 620,000 died and many wounded.

Also the north made slaves fight with them will the south would just have them handle plantations during the cival war. Also this is just what I heard that the slaves wanted to fight for the south because they was told they would have to go back to Africa if slavery was banned.About the Cival War, what do you think?
The Revolutionary War was fought to free us from the tyrannical grip of Great Britain, not necessarily a strong central government. With a new country, a strong federal vise only helped the country. The North fought to keep the country together, when the Constitution was framed the South agreed to be in it for the long haul. Instead they took it to mean that, like a club, they could leave whenever they wanted to. Although slavery probably would have inevitably ended later on, the Civil War definitely caused a progressive change.
The Revolution was about having the freedom to form a nation where the people had representation, not to form thirteen individual nations pretending to be one. Now just imagine what would have happened had the Articles of Confederation remained in place and a foreign government attacked any one of the states. Under the Articles of Confederation the individual states, which were nations unto themselves in a union/confederation, did not have to assist one another should any one of them have been attacked by a foreign nation. Those who signed the Declaration sought to hang together should the revolution fail, but all their work was undone by the Articles of Confederation.About the Cival War, what do you think?

Southern people were lazy and did not want to do their own work. They wanted to force others to do their work for them. And remember, it was the south who started the civil war, because they were upset with the outcome of a Presidential election. The North did not start the war to free the slaves. The south started it out of petulance.

The people of the north wanted to contain slavery to where it already existed, thinking that it would die out. President Lincoln wanted to buy all the slaves and send them back to Africa. People of the south said "not only can't you keep slavery out of the new states, you can''t even really declare it illegal in your own states" That was the Dred Scott decision.

The South's view of the future of the United states is a lot different than you think. They wanted to seize Mexico, all of Central America, the top part of South America and all of the Caribbean and make all Hispanic people slaves along with the blacks. The idea that slavery would have died out on it's own is laughable. It was so ingrained in the culture that it could only burned out by fire. Lincoln tried hard to avoid it, but in the end it was the only way.

Good Luck

EDIT -- And it's hard to claim that the south was fighting for what the founding fathers were fighting for. The founding fathers were fighting for freedom, not for the ability to enslave others.

You say that the south was also fighting for freedom? The only reason that they wanted to separate from the US was to have the "freedom" to treat black people like crap. Period. If slavery didn't exist, they would have never wanted to secede.

EDIT -- and you say that the north "made" slaves fight with them? Are you crazy? First of all, they were not slaves anymore, they were free. Second, they were begging to be given a gun and a uniform to go back down there and shoot the people who had mistreated them, their families, their friends and generations of their ancestors. No one had to "make" them do it! And I can't blame them. I would have been first in line.

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