The Civil War began with conflicts between the North and South. Some of the issues they did not agree on were slavery, economics, and statehood. In 1783 Massachusetts abolished slavery and got voting rights for Native Americans. The Kansas-Nebraska act caused both sides to send settlers into the North in an effort to control the future status of these areas. “Sectionalism led the North and South to Civil War.”
This paragraph will be discussing how slavery sectionalized the nation. Slavery died out in the North but continued on in the South. In 1780, Pennsylvania became the first state to pass a law that slowly eliminated slavery. By 1804, every Northern state had ended or promised to end slavery. Congress also outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory. The South needed slavery because they wanted cheap labor for there big plantations. The geography of the North and South affected slavery. This is because the Missouri Compromise line divided the North and South. Above the line were free territories and below the line were slave territories.
Harriet Beecher Stowe and John C. Calhoun were two people whom helped drive the sections of the nation further apart. First was Harriet Beecher Stowe she was the daughter of an abolitionist minister. She met many people that were slaves. This is why she was able to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Toms cabin was a book about. Next was John C. Calhoun he was the vice president. He encouraged people to fight for there own rights.
The Missouri Compromise and The Kansas-Nebraska Act helped divide the nation. First was the Missouri Compromise it gave both the North and South something and prevented problems with slavery. This compromise focused on the Louisiana territory. In 1850, it was again causing problems in the West.Do you think this is a good essay for an 8th grader????
This paragraph will be discussing how slavery sectionalized the nation. This is not a good sentence. NEVER write a sentence that states what you're about to say. It's kinda like telling the reader, "Hey, you're I'll tell you." They can read themselves. Try what my teacher calls the "elevator theory." Pretend you just stepped into an elevator-could you say "This paragraph will be discussing how slavery sectionalized the nation." NO!!!! But, you could say- "Slavery died out in the North but continued on in the South." (It would still sound kinda wierd...but we're pretending...hehehe) so yea, get rid of that sentence.
This is a GREAT essay. Just double check puncuation and spelling.Do you think this is a good essay for an 8th grader????
OMG this is awesome this is like an essay by a 10th grader the only thing i wood change is the 1st sentence in the second paragraph. U never want to say This paragraph will be discussing... etc. change it to :
Slavery sectionalized the nation.
It's alright.
You need to work on your sentence structure and punctuation though. Some of those sentences could also be put together and made into longer, better sounding ones.
Also, when beginning a paragraph, you shouldn't ever say "I'm going to tell you about.." or "this is going to be about"..etc.
Honestly -- not great, but not bad. In the second paragraph is a prime example -- don't tell what your going to talk about, just go straight into it! Also, the grammar needs a little work; other than that -- it's OK.
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