so im doing a paper on African American Suffrage from cival war till now. i just started and so far this is what i got. is it good? what should i add remove or clarify? i know i got alot of errors so help!
African american suffrage happened in America over a period of 200 hundred yr\ears. Their struggle has led men to war and riots. From slavery to the Citizenship Laws (and voting laws) to the Jim Crow laws, Their struggle had encouraged thousand to stand up for whats right an moral. As President Abraham Lincoln once said, " In giving Freedom to the slaves, we assure freedom to the free- honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve."
African Americans were first considered "inferior" for many years. In the late 1600's when Africans were first brought to the American colonies* they were slaves. Long before the 13th Amendment they had no rights and were not citizens. They were mistreadted and physically abused. Women were raped by the plantation owners and men were whipped for sport. By the end few slaves began to buy their freedom, although most could not. During the 1800's tension grew between whites and blacks. Northwestern states began to abolished slavery as early as 1777 (vermont) and a over all agreement in 1787 called the Northwest Ordinance banned slavery in all of the northwestern territorries. In the 1860 census, there were about 385,000 slave owners or every family had a minimum of 4 slaves. Considering there were about 1.5 million white famileis in the whole country it ment there were about 1,540,000 slave accounted for during that years census. Although in the early 1800's African importation was banned and was compared to piracy, which was punishable by death.
By the times President Lincoln took office on March 4th, 1861, 7 states had already suceeded from the Union forming The Conferderate States of America. Abolisonist uged the newly elected president to free the slaves in the south. On April 12th and 13th as the smoked clear and Fort Sumter fellthe north and south couldn't be more divided. At first soon to be free slaves, or freedmen, were not allowed to fight. It wasnt until July 17, 1862 when congress passed the Second confiscation and Militia Act and later on when the Emancipation Proclamation was announced, that things began to change. Slaves began to volunteer in hopes to becoming citizens and on May 1863 the Government created The Bureau of Colored Troops. The Bureau was created to control and manage the growin number of volinteers coming from all over the country such as Tennessee and Massachusetts. By the end of the war 10% of the Union Army were Freedmen, and 19,000 served honorably in the Navy. A feat that took time. Prejudices existed even in the North, Black unit were often not used and merely peraded around. When these units were used the soldiers fought bravely. They fought with so much distintion that by the end of the wr 6 black soldiers were awarded the Medal Of Honor. Fort Wagner is an excellent exanple. The 54th regiment of Massahusetts Volunteer* lost more that half of their men. The movie Glory* depicts their dedication.
On April 14th, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theatre by actor John Wilkes Booth and on April 15th 1865 at 7:22 am he was pronounced dead. Many slaves thought hi death would mean they would have to become slaves once more. Even if the 13th amemdment ensured they were free they felt as if the goverment would soon abandon them. From the moment Vice President Andrew Johnson took office, he began to erase what Lincoln had acomplished and thngs seem to go backwards not forwards. Johnson appointed legislators that made laws to keep African Americans from having there rightful rights. Fom the beginning Lincoln wanted to do rebuilt the south to include African Americans as citizens. When he died and President johnson appointed the legislators congress rejected most because they were from the South. He declared that since slavery was abolished, reconstruction was over. Tension once again rose, but this time not just with African American but with northerns who moved to the south during reconstruction and southernes whosupported reconstruction and formed coalitions with freedman. The northeners were called Carpetbaggers and southeners Scalawags.
In 1865 a new form of hatre emerged in the Ku Klux Klan. The first Klan was formed by 6 confederate veterans in tennessee on Dec. 24, 1865. it didn't avhieved much, at this time, but durig the second and third Clans they terrorized hundreds of people. The first Klan on existed for about 5 years, the second and third for much longer. The second clan began in 1915 and it grew rapidly. This Klan howeer attacked immigrants as well as blacks. They preached different things than the first Klan such as anti-Catholicism and nativim. People were attacked but mostly in the south. This Klan established it in a national level. By 1920 it had oer 4Is this a good researche paper on African American Suffrage? help!!!?
"Research" is misspelled in your question.Is this a good researche paper on African American Suffrage? help!!!?
A few punctuations but good
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