His grandfather, William Alexander McCain (b. North Carolina, 1812 – d. 1863), Confederate States Army, owned a 2000-acre plantation in Carroll County, Mississippi and 52 slaves.
It's too bad the Senator has never condemned this act by his family. Tells you where he is at in his beliefs, doesn't it?Does the fact that John McCains great grandfather owned slaves bother you?
You're funny.
So did Obama's.Does the fact that John McCains great grandfather owned slaves bother you?
no- people today can not help what our ancestors did-
No because McCain will own Obama when all is said and done.
Oh, please. I'm no McCain supporter, but that's just ridiculous. Are you going to research your lineage and apologize for everything your ancestors ever did? Get real.
It sure does not.it has nothing to do with him.
almost all the population of whites' grands owned slaves. it is incorporated into a sad part of American history. but we're beyond that now. now the question is: will mccain continue this if he's president? The republicans can not be trusted!!!!!
Actually that just made me like him even more.....
You're question makes no sense. Do you know how many people owned slaves back then? We've had many President's who have owned slaves. Who gives a crap? That's just how it was back then.
I'm sure someone in your family owned a slave at one point.
Different times dude. Hindsight is blessed with the fortuity of being balanced by years to consider a decision. It doesn't bother me because a lot of people owned slaves in that time period.
Not at all. What possible responsibility does John McCain bear for the actions of his Grandfather? Seriously, both of my Grandfathers were killed fighting the Germans and Japanese in WW2, should I therefore hate all Germans and Japanese people? I think not. That would make me a narrow-minded, racist, bigoted fool of a person. And that I am not!
Nope that was his grandfather, not him
Anyone who ever fought for the confederate military should have been executed, that would have solved a lot of problems. But that time has come and gone, so I am bothered by his great grandfather, but it has nothing to do with him.
That's pretty lame.
Many people owned slaves back then. So many MANY people have ancestors who owned slaves.
Given that the ancestor you site died in 1863, McCain not only never knew him, he likely never knew much of anything of him.
He was himself a slave.
i'm not voting for him but i'm not gonna put him down for this. hell just about every white friend i have great great parents probably owned slaves. slavery happened and it's been over for almost 150 years.
Actually, there isn't anything about MC that doesn't bother me!
With the 'looming' Recession and bush denying any extended benefits to the Unemployed and some of those Tax rebates to Seniors freezing in Cold climates.... I doubt 'anyone' with a brain will be voting Republican!
WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans blocked a move by Democrats on Wednesday to add more than $40 billion in checks for the elderly, disabled veterans and the unemployed to a bill to stimulate the economy.
"The 58-41 vote fell just short of the 60 required to break a GOP filibuster and bring the Senate version of the stimulus bill closer to a final vote. The Senate measure was backed by Democrats and a handful of Republicans but was strongly opposed by GOP leaders and President Bush, who objected to the costly add-ons".
Yet, he'll back a NEVER ending WAR!
Most of the people that lived in the South back then owned slaves. This point is as ignorant as saying Bush is a Nazi just because his grandfather, who like many American bankers at the time, funded the Nazi Party. People can't control what their ancestors did and should not be judged by their ancestors.
That's bull that you would bring up something like that. What if your mother got an abortion? and you didn't believe in that, does that mean that you believe that's right?
Why don't you get some good information next time, that actually has a point. Because if you are going to bring that up.. then I can bring up that Obama's father is Muslim.
It bothers me that ANYBODY owned slaves, but what does a distant ancestor of McCain's have to do with him? I'm no McCain fan, but the question is ridiculous.
Everything about McCain bothers me.. especially his plan to keep the war going.
Nope Because HE DOES NOT!
We can not judge people based on what a long ago relative did. Which is why Hillary has the support she does. It is many from BILL.
The fact that Slavery is even thought of now a days is a direct result of people living in the past for too long. We have long since progressed from it and that WILL NEVER happen again. Not only that but the = rights people of ALL RACES have make thoughts like this regress back to the 'black, white. asian, hispanic, etc' BS we should not look at any person as anything but a Private US Citizen and not the 'Blacks are out in Record Numbers to Vote' or 'Women are out in record numbers Voting' or 'Young Whites are out in record number voting' But as The US is finally taking interest in Politics and Its Future.
This has No indication of his beliefs at all nor should he have to condemn the actions of someone he has never meet. Its like me condemning the actions of a random person from that time. It, unfortunately was considered Socially except able then, just because it isnt now we can not Hold The Current McCain Responsible for it.
just my 2 cents
***addition I am not a Republican Nor do Support owning Slaves. If you dont care what we say why did you ask the Question? To waste your points?
Big deal! That's a non-issue. He came out against the display of the confederate flag by government entities! What more do you want?
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